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About Us.
Global Reliance International
Global Reliance International (Under PT. GRI Reliansi Indonesia) is a company based in Indonesia that offer you a global one-stop-shop for a wide range of :
Advisory, Consultation, Training, Risk Assessment, Gap Analysi s Audit and Second party audit.With our expertise to help your organization to prepare various certification programs. Our qualification, competencies and multiple capabilities is the key to ensure your organization get successful many improvement program and certification program.
Professional Services
We offer a variety of professional services that help you achieve your business goals. Backed by industry experience and expertise, GRI help you understand and comply with food safety regulatory requirements to protect and enhance your brand. We specialize in understanding your business and objectives, and employ best practices and industry expertise to develop practical and relevant solutions that give you a competitive advantage.
Expertise Team
Our team consists of both experienced food safety professionals and experts in key supply chain sectors, particularly restaurant and foodservice operations. These specialists understand the federal and state regulations and standards around restaurants, and make sure you comply with relevant safety and quality requirements.
Amazing Result
As Quality and Food Safety professionals, we understand the standards and their implications better than anyone else. We help our customers in effectively implementing the right standards and help them get the required certification. We bring industry experience and best practices which can sometimes be hard to come by. We help our customer design the process, identify monitoring points and train the man power to meet the quality standard.